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Cultivating the values of lifelong learning, sustainability, health, and community.

butler acres

Butler Acres Elementary Garden

"Growing to Learn, Learning to Grow!"
And our new garden is just the right place to be if you like to grow and learn! Many families brought their best worker bees to participate in our recent work party. We are transforming the hillside into an outdoor classroom suited for science, math and nutrition lessons and for promoting good stewardship of our planet Earth.

Our accomplishments so far: building retaining walls to create flat spots and "rooms" within the larger footprint, stripping sod and spreading soil, installing drains, shoveling gravel and, most importantly ... planting! Already in: herbs, peas, onions, lettuce, squash, blueberries, grapes, nasturtiums, and more to come.

Stay tuned for future dates-all are welcome!

1609 Burcham, Kelso
School Office: 360-501-1600

Garden Coordinator: Robert Loren

Phone: 360-200-8918

Activity Schedule & Events